EU Parliament approves RED II
On 13 November, the EU parliament approved new targets for renewables, energy efficiency and second-generation biofuels by voting to confirm the RED II. Renewables will account for 32 percent of EU’s energy consumption by 2030 and energy efficiency will require a 32.5 percent increase by 2030. Furthermore, the parliament agreed on the Energy Union, which means that each member state needs to present a 10-year national energy and climate plan with national targets, policies and measures by the end of 2019 and every 10 years thereafter. These three legislatives are part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package. The package includes also that second-generation biofuels must provide at least 14 percent of fuel in the transport sector by 2030. First-generation biofuels will gradually phase-out until they will not count for the EU’s renewable energy goals from 2030.
Additional information on the European Parliament website