The content below regarding the approvals of Caterpillar vehicles for B10 has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content provided. Use of the contents of this list is at your own risk. Before using biodiesel or fuels containing biodiesel, it is therefore strongly recommended that you obtain confirmation of approval from the respective vehicle or engine manufacturer and find out about any special maintenance and service requirements. Information can also be found in the vehicle's operating instructions or in the fuel filler cap.

(Status of the information: February 2024)


Vehicle Engine Construction Year Emission Stage Remarks
With exhaustgas aftertreatment system ACERT-engines: C3,4 B; C4,4; C6,6; C7,1; C9,3; C13; C15; C18; C27, C32 n.i.

EU Stage IIIB and higher;

Tier 4 interim and final

Special operating requirements and additional maintenance recommendations possible.
Only in combination with low-sulphur diesel (max. 10 mg/kg).
Observe the CAT specification of biodiesel used in accordance with ASTM D6751 or EN 14214.
Without exhaustgas aftertreatment system C0.5-C2.2
ACERT-engines: C7, C9, C9,3, C11, C13, C15, C18, C27, C32, C175
All stages
n.i. 3114, 3116, 3126, 3176, 3196, 3208, 3306, 3406, 3408, 3412, 3456, 3406E, 3408E, 3412E
Model series: 3500, 3600
C-9, C-10, C-12, C-15, C-16, C-18
Model series: C280, CM20, CM25, CM32

n.i. = no indication

Source: Service Training & Product Support - Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH

Operation and Maintenance Manual -
Caterpillar Empfehlungen für Wartungsflüssigkeiten in -Maschinen
See also: